The Bridge Personality- Big Five report
The Bridge Personality is the most widely used personality test by companies and organizations in many countries around the world. The Bridge Personality Big Five report provides insights into response behavior and scores on 34 personality dimensions. These 34 dimensions are linked to the Big Five. The Big Five personality theory is the most used and researched model of personality. The Big Five report is particularly suitable for selection and recruitment.
Content of the Big Five report
The Bridge Personality Big Five report provides a clear answer to the question of whether a candidate is suitable for a specific role. Candidates are tested on 34 Big Five competencies that can be linked to any job profile. The report describes whether the candidate has been honest while completing the test. If a candidate has filled out the test in a 'steering' manner, you can see exactly in the report at which competency(s) the candidate hesitated.
How to order
A candidate or participant spends about 40 minutes on The Bridge Personality test. The report is available immediately after completion.
Example of the Bridge Personality Big Five report
You can view a sample report of the Bridge Personality Big Five report here. This report shows the scores on the 34 Big Five competencies. These competencies can be matched with almost any job profile. Therefore, this report is highly suitable for use in recruitment and HR.
Sample page of the Big Five report

What is The Big Five personality model?
The Big Five personality model, grounded in scientific research, evaluates the core five dimensions of personality. These traits, commonly known as the Big Five, include Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability. This approach is also recognized as the Five-Factor model or the OCEAN model. Its robust scientific foundation makes the Big Five personality test a popular tool for recruitment and personnel selection.

Has your candidate been honest? Find out with Normative-Ipsative split technology®
A modern (adaptive) personality test like The Bridge Personality utilizes both normative and ipsative statements. Normative means that the candidate scores a statement on a scale from one to nine (1 = strongly disagree, 9 = strongly agree). Ipsative, in this context, means that candidates need to rank questions (1 = least applicable to me, 6 = most applicable to me).
By combining normative and ipsative statements, it becomes possible to make socially desirable response behavior and agreeable answers transparent at the level of personality dimensions. With the help of Normative-Ipsative split technology®, The Bridge Personality then makes steering response behavior visible. Normative-Ipsative splits® are indicators in the Bridge Personality Big Five report that can show the degree of steering response behavior at the level of a competency. This allows you to see exactly where a candidate has hesitated or where the candidate has attempted to complete the test in a socially desirable manner. An indispensable tool during the selection of candidates.
Features of the Big Five report
Sample: Big Five personality report
The Bridge Personality Big Five report provides scores for 34 Big Five competencies. Moreover, the report clearly indicates which competencies were answered honestly by the candidate and which ones elicited hesitation. This information is extremely valuable during recruitment and selection processes, offering a comprehensive overview of your candidate's personality.
Other report options
Video: administer online assessments in-house
By creating an account on The Bridge Assessment Platform, you gain the ability to invite candidates, conduct online assessments, and request reports at any time, from anywhere globally. Utilized by businesses, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in more than 20 countries, this platform is renowned for its user-friendliness, eliminating the need for in-depth training. Plus, you can get started right away, with your account set up and ready to use in just one day.