Big Five + 16 Jung Type report
The Bridge Personality Big Five + 16 Jung Type report combines two personality models: the Big Five and Carl Jung's Type Theory. It features scores on 34 Big Five competencies as well as the participant's Jung Type. While the Big Five section of the report is suitable for selection and recruitment, the Jung Type section can be utilized for training and coaching purposes. This report becomes available immediately after a participant completes The Bridge Personality.
Content of the Big Five + 16 Jung Type report
The Bridge Personality Big Five + 16 Jung Type report provides a comprehensive overview of a candidate's personality, integrating both the Big Five and the 16 Jung Types. If the candidate or employee has filled out the test in a 'steering' manner, you can precisely identify in the report which competencies elicited doubt. This way, you gain clear insights into the areas where a candidate or employee wishes to develop further.
A participant typically spends about 40 minutes on the Bridge Personality test. The report is available immediately afterwards.
Example of the Big Five + 16 Jung Type report
You can view a sample report of the Bridge Personality Big Five + 16 Jung Type report here. This report first displays the scores on the 34 Big Five competencies, which can be matched with almost any job profile. Then, it presents the participant's Jung Type. On the last page of the report, the scores on 8 commonly used competencies are listed.
Sample page of the Big Five + 16 Jung Type report

What are the 16 Jung Types?
The 16 Jung Types are based on Carl Jung's psychological type theory. They reflect your personal preferences across four dimensions:
The Jung Types in this 16 personality test report are highly accurate tools for getting to know your staff better.
What is the Big Five Personality model?
The Big Five personality model, which is firmly rooted in scientific study, assesses the five fundamental aspects of personality. These traits, often referred to as the Big Five, comprise Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability. Also known as the Five-Factor model or the OCEAN model, this methodology's strong scientific basis makes the Big Five personality test a favored instrument in the recruitment and selection of staff.
Features of the Big Five + 16 Jung Types report
What does the candidate want to develop? Find out with Normative-Ipsative split technology®
A modern (adaptive) personality test such as The Bridge Personality uses both normative and ipsative propositions. Normative means that the candidate scores a statement on a scale from one to nine (1 = very strongly disagree, 9 = very strongly agree). In this case, ipsative means that the candidate ranks questions from one to six (1 = least applicable to me, 6 = most applicable to me).
By combining normative and ipsative statements, you will gain insight into socially desirable response behaviour and consenting responses up to the level of the personality dimension. Using Normative-Ipsative split technology®, The Bridge Personality Report then provides insight into steering response behaviour. This way, you can see exactly where a candidate has doubts. This doubt often provides valuable information about the competencies the candidate would like to develop. An indispensable tool during the coaching and development of candidates.
The 16 Jung Types

Sample report
The Bridge Personality Big Five + 16 Jung Type report lists scores on 34 competencies, determines the Jung Type of the candidate and gives scores on 8 general competencies. This gives you a complete overview of your candidate’s personality.
Other report options
Video: account on the Bridge Assessment Platform
By creating an online assessment account on the Bridge Assessment Platform, you gain the capability to invite candidates, conduct online assessments, and request reports anytime, from any location worldwide. Utilized by a diverse range of users including companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in more than 20 countries, this platform is known for its user-friendliness, eliminating the need for comprehensive training. Plus, you can begin right away, as your account will be operational within just one day.