The leading happiness at work test
The scientifically developed Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator will help you gain insight not only into the work happiness of your client or employee, but also into any possible burnout symptoms. This job happiness test is specifically for use in companies and organizations. The test uses algorithms to give a reliable and valid indication of job happiness among employees.
Measure happiness at work
The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator is unique because the test not only measures job happiness but also indications of burnout. This is important considering that happiness at work is a predictor of burnout.
Happiness at work is measured via scores on: (1) Involvement with Work, (2) Proactive Vitality, (3) Work Satisfaction, and (4) Involvement with the Organisation.
Order the Happiness at Work Indicator
Employee happiness should be a top priority
The best way to prevent a burnout among employees is to increase work happiness.
Every year, the rate of burnout increases. This problem is also much easier to prevent than cure. Therefore, it is so important to identify early indications of possible burnout in employees to take corrective action right away
The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator is a test that is specifically suited to prevent burnout in employees. Scientific research has shown that the timely identification of burnout symptoms can prevent actual burnout. Loss of staff due to burnout is also a very large cost for companies.
Features of the Happiness at Work Indicator
New technique to measure employee happiness: Normative-Ipsative split technology ®
Burnout often occurs because the signs of unhappy employees are not noticed in time by the employer. Standard work happiness tests are simply not good at detecting preliminary stages of burnout. As a result, employees continue to work with complaints until burnout eventually develops.
For this reason, TestGroup has developed a technique that uses artificial intelligence to adapt the questions in the test to the client's answers. This technique is called Normative-Ipsative split technology®. With this AI-based technique, The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator ensures that you get an honest answer to the questions.
Sample Report: Work Happiness Test
The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator report gives an overall work happiness score but also scores on the 4 dimensions of work happiness. In addition, it provides a score on burnout and its 4 dimensions. The report compares the client’s scores with a norm group, which consists of 500 people who have previously completed this work happiness test.
Video: The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator
The best way to prevent burnout in employees is to promote job happiness. You can do this with The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator, an online test that measures both work happiness and symptoms of burnout. Companies and organizations can easily identify which employees are at risk of burnout and which ones are content in their jobs. This knowledge allows HR departments to do targeted burnout prevention. Company’s also save money and productivity by ensuring their employees are happy at work. The Bridge Happiness at Work Indicator was developed after many years of scientific research into the 4 dimensions of work happiness.