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Study choice test Hogeschool van Amsterdam - HvA

The most comprehensive study choice test available for HBO and WO students. Calculates your scores on 200 professions and 134 higher vocational / university studies. Get started right away: your order will be processed within 30 minutes. This study choice test is suitable for selecting a study program at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam - HvA.

Why The Bridge Career

  • Now: temporary promotional price: € 89 (including VAT: € 107.69)
  • The most comprehensive study choice test available for HBO and WO students;
  • Duration: 35 minutes
  • Gives you scores on 200 professions and 134 higher professional / university studies
  • Indicates which studies suit you best (from high to low);
  • Gives you an overview of the professions that suit you;
  • Develop in a direction that really suits you;
  • Quality: based on scientific research;
  • Relatively favorable and limited investment;


  • Get started right away: your order will be processed within 30 minutes.
  • Your report is available immediately after completion.
  • This test uses two career models: the RIASEC codes of Holland and the career anchors of Schein.
  • With this test you will gain insight into your career preferences and career anchors.
  • The Bridge Career uses the normative-ipsative split technology ®. This technique ensures that the test is unmanageable, giving you truthful information about your career preferences.

Gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek

The study choice test Hogeschool van Amsterdam - HvA  was developed by the TestGroup research & development team, in collaboration with universities in the Netherlands and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality questionnaires and intelligence tests. We advise organizations worldwide on the application of online assessments. TestGroup publishes scientific articles about online assessments together with universities. Through this link you can view one of our studies. Do you have questions about the use of online assessments? You can contact TestGroup Amsterdam by number 020-2621630.

Sample report: The Bridge Career

The Bridge Career report describes your preferences in more than 200 HBO / WO professions in HBO / WO studies. Your courses and professions are displayed from top to bottom, so you know exactly which profession is at the top for you. The report also includes your scores on 8 career anchors. Career anchors are things that you find important in your work and education. Are you curious about your report? Then fill in The Bridge Career.

Example report

Video: Study choice test Hogeschool van Amsterdam - HvA

Are you looking for a professional study choice test? The Bridge Career is the most comprehensive professional career test in the Netherlands and abroad. With the Bridge Career, you get insight into your preferences for bachelor and university courses and professions. The Bridge Career is kept continuously up-to-date, enabling you to choose a profession that is relevant today.

Order your test & online assessments here

  • Orders can be placed by companies and organizations from any country in the world.
  • We will email the login details to you within just 30 minutes.
  • The test remains available until the participant has completed it.
  • After completion, the assessment report will be available immediately.

Easy online payment after delivery of the test or online assessment. High volume use? Get your own account on our online assessment platform.


Ordering products is quick and simple. And it can be done from anywhere in the world. Just select the desired products and quantities below. Check your order and send it in. The access codes for the test will be sent within 30 minutes.


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Bridge Assessment: books


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You will receive the access codes for the test or online assessment within 30 minutes.

In four easy steps: get your candidate tested today

  • Order a test or online assessment from our order page.
  • Your candidate can start the test or online assessment within just 30 minutes.
  • The test remains available until the participant has completed it.
  • After completion, the report is available instantly.

Easy online payment after delivery of the test or online assessment. High volume use? Get your own account on our online assessment platform.

This is what our satisfied customers say about us

“Who am I? What am I capable of? And what do I want? "Because The Bridge Personality answers these kinds of questions, we at Aeres Agree can make the right match faster.”

Silvie van Aanholt, senior consultant

Aeres Agree