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What is the ENFJ personality type?

Coaches (ENFJs) understand and care about people. They have a unique ability to bring out the best in others. Coaches offer support and help everyone have a good time. They focus on understanding and encouraging others. Coaches also enjoy being the center of attention, which helps inspire and lead those around them. They look for the good in people and love to foster harmony and cooperation.

Preferences of ENFJs:

  • Good skills in dealing with people
  • Extroverted, with a genuine interest in how others think and feel
  • Usually do not like to be alone
  • They see everything from a human perspective
  • Extremely effective in dealing with personal subjects
  • Likely to put the interests of others above their own

How do others see ENFJs?

ENFJs are interested in people, so they can also involve withdrawn people in matters. They listen to others, but they also have a pronounced own opinion. They draw energy from interacting with other people and are sociable. They love an organized life and try to quickly resolve uncertainties with others.

Others see ENFJs as:

  • Sympathetic
  • Supportive
  • Compassionate
  • Convincing
  • Considerate of others
  • Very sociable

Pitfalls and development points of the ENFJ

When ENFJs end up in a place where they cannot use their characteristics and talents, they can sometimes:

  • Worry and feel guilty
  • Be too pushy in their pursuit of harmony
  • Make decisions too much based on personal values
  • Pay too little attention to a logical approach
  • Overlook details
  • Not accept that they have a problem with people they care about

ENFJ and career

ENFJs are enthusiastic leaders who embrace change and inspire others. This can sometimes clash with personality types like ESTJs, who also like to take charge but prefer to stick to existing structures.

One challenge for ENFJs in the workplace is that they can become bored if their workdays are too repetitive. They need variety and creativity and want to do work that has a real impact. For them, it's not just about results but also about feeling that they are making a difference.

Best careers for an ENFJ

ENFJs seek meaning in their work and thrive in roles where they can help or motivate others. Thanks to their strong communication skills and charisma, they excel in positions where social interaction and leadership are key. Suitable careers include:

  • coach
  • communications specialist
  • teacher
  • event manager
  • HR specialist
  • customer service representative
  • social worker
  • marketer
  • recruiter
  • sales representative
  • nurse

The Bridge Tests & Online Assessments

TestGroup is the official provider of the renowned Bridge tests and online assessments, which are high-quality, scientifically validated psychometric tools used globally. Developed in collaboration with universities around the world, these assessments predict workplace behavior through personality tests, cognitive ability evaluations, and career assessments. We assist organizations globally in using online assessments.