Organize your own team session with a personality test
Sunday 29 December 2024Looking for a team building session that truly boosts team development and delivers measurable results? Schedule an activity specifically designed to enhance team performance. Forget about hiring costly external experts – you can easily organize a powerful team session yourself using a 4-color personality test.
Team session: do-it-yourself package
TestGroup has used the well-known Bridge Personality test as the basis for a do-it-yourself team workshop package with which you can organize a team session on your own without much effort. You get all the tools you need to help the members of your team get to know themselves and each other better.
The Bridge Personality test offers insight into what motivates your employees. In preparation for the workshop each team member receives an individual personality test to fill out online.
Immediately after submission, the answers are analyzed, after which each participant receives a personal report. In this you will read exactly which personality type you are according to the 16 Jung types and the 4 personality colors.
Personality of the team
Those individual reports are very valuable in themselves and can help start the conversation between them. By comparing the outcomes with each other, team members can better understand how the other works. This conversation helps tremendously in team development.
However, it only gets really interesting when the last team member has sent his or her answers. Then, in addition to the individual report, you also receive The Bridge Personality team report. In this you read the "personality" of the team according to Jung's personality types and the Color Wheel. You will also discover the diversity of personalities within the team, the team's strengths, pitfalls and action points.

Organize your own team session in 4 steps
To make organizing your own team session with a personality test as easy as possible, we have created a simple step-by-step plan. In doing so, we take as much work off your hands as possible.
1. Order the Do-It-Yourself Team Workshop
Organizing a team session yourself begins, of course, with ordering the Do-It-Yourself Team Workshop. You can easily place your order here.
2. Fill out the questionnaire
After ordering, you can get started. The team members complete the (online) personality test and receive a personal Bridge Personality report. At the same time, the team report is prepared.
3. Online starter pack
Meanwhile, we are sending out the online starter pack. This contains 4-color cards and the presentation sheets. Now you have received everything and are ready to organize the self-organized team workshop.
4. Go through the team workshop with a TestGroup-consultant
After each team member has completed the online personality test, we will contact you again to discuss the reports and the presentation sheets that you can use in your team workshop. We go over the individual results, but focus mainly on further team development. We do this by phone or via Zoom.
What will you discuss in the team workshop?
Every team is unique. This means that each team session in which a personality test is discussed is also unique. The goal of the team session is to use the personality test to accelerate team development. That is why you mainly discuss patterns in communication and behavior.
Team members gain insight into their personal preferred style and that of others, allowing them to communicate better and more effectively. Participants also learn to make optimal use of the diversity within the team. This increases team performance and challenges participants to further develop themselves.
And, one of the most important points, by talking about the differences, you create a more pleasant working climate, where everyone can be themselves.
What are the 4 colors?
In summary, The Bridge Personality's 4-color model provides a simple and intuitive way to understand behavioral preferences and personality types. Through these insights, teams and individuals can collaborate and communicate more effectively, leading to improved work performance and team dynamics.
The 4-color personality wheel: A guide
The 4-color personality wheel provides an in-depth and nuanced insight into personality types based on color dynamics. With 72 unique personality types, this model offers a detailed understanding of individual preferences and behaviors. The 4-color wheel is displayed in the Bridge Personality 4-color report.

Foundation of the wheel:
- The model utilizes the four Jungian processes: Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling.
- By linking these processes with Extraversion and Introversion, eight primary personality types are formed.
- These eight types are further segmented by the color dynamics, resulting in 72 unique subtypes.
The wheel and color dynamics:
An individual's position on the wheel is determined by the combination and intensity of colors:
- Inner ring - Characterized by three colors with a score of 3 or higher. This indicates a broad range of behavioral preferences.
- Middle ring - Here we find types with two colors with a score of 3 or higher, indicating a balance between two behavioral traits.
- Outer ring - In this ring are the types with one color with a score of 3 or higher, indicating a very specific and strong behavioral preference.
Each of these positions offers specific insights into behavioral preferences, communication styles, and ways of interacting. With this deep knowledge, teams and individuals can collaborate, communicate, and resolve conflicts more effectively.
What are the 8 types of the 4-color personality test?
No one is defined by a single color; we are all a mix of traits that shift depending on our environment and mood. This idea leads to eight personality types: four core types based on the colors, and four blended types combining two colors.
These types align with Jung's personality model, which includes four dimensions—sensation, intuition, thinking, and feeling—alongside the axis of extroversion and introversion.
Our eight core types are: Auditor, Planner, Connector, Mediator, Visionary, Entrepreneur, Director, and Change Agent. These types, rooted in the color framework, are clear, practical, and easy to apply.
- The Auditor: The Auditor is precise, cautious, and organized. Accuracy and understanding are crucial for them, and they like to take their time to sort out their thoughts and emotions. They're not fond of people who are too intrusive or loud. Additionally, they're not keen on unexpected changes.
- The Planner: is a discerning thinker focused on outcomes. They set high standards, both for themselves and for others. They can be perfectionistic and often need to explore every possible solution before deciding. Disorganization and failure are their anathemas.
- The Connector: is considerate, diplomatic, and genuine. They try to avoid conflicts and place importance on accuracy and neatness. It's crucial to listen to what they have to say, and they get irritated by irrational actions.
- The Mediator: is trustworthy and generally gets along well with others. They aim for harmony and are always ready to help. They appreciate a calm and friendly approach. They aren't fans of change or disorder.
- The Visionary: is outgoing and enthusiastic, with an ability to excite others. Connecting with people is their main drive; they value popularity. They love engaging conversations and shared laughter. Their greatest fear is disapproval and loss of self-worth.
- The Entrepreneur: is vibrant and dynamic. They embrace challenges and seize every opportunity to try something new. They seek public recognition and tasks that allow them to stand out. Restricting their freedom is a no-go.
- The Director: is typically powerful, decisive, and demanding. They look to the future and thrive on competition to achieve objectives. They can also be critical and impatient. Losing control is their greatest fear.
- The Change Agent: they are genuinely contemplative. These steadfast team members excel in monitoring performance and typically exhibit great discipline. They relish tackling challenges, aim for unparalleled excellence, and hence, worry about tasks not being executed correctly. Change agents often rank high in either introverted-intuition or extroverted-sensing.
Do-it-yourself Team Workshop
The team report generated by The Bridge Personality Test provides an immediate and clear overview of the various personalities within your team. This insightful report serves as an excellent foundation for a team workshop. By organizing a team workshop, you can enhance collaboration among team members and boost overall team performance. With the do-it-yourself team workshop package, you have everything you need to conduct your own Bridge Personality team workshop effectively.