Used by 10,000+ organizations worldwide

Online assessments during a reorganization

In the event of a reorganization, it’s important to staff your new operation with the right people. This assessment is used to reflect on the quality of your candidates. An online reorganization assessment uses a careful, objective and fast approach to make and substantiate the right choices.


An online assessment can be a useful tool during a company reorganization. An online reorganization assessment provides insight into the knowledge, abilities, competencies and personality of your employees. Advantage: online assessments are far more cost-efficient than normal assessments, while the competencies of your employees are reliably mapped out.

The online reorganization assessment in 6 steps:

Online reorganization assessments are completely customizable, involving the following steps:

  • Step 1: The start of the project. Drawing up the competency profiles for the various positions during a meeting with the client. In this meeting, we also make a proposal for the components that will be included in the online reorganization assessment.
  • Step 2: Conducting the online assessment for all participants. The current competency level of the candidate is mapped out. The candidate's current competency level is compared to the competency profile of the position that is being applied for.
  • Step 3: The feedback of the results is provided to the candidate in an individual meeting with one of our psychologists.
  • Step 4: The candidate receives a clear online assessment report. It identifies where there is still potential for development.
  • Step 5: After consent has been obtained from the candidate, the results of the online assessment (the report) are sent to the client.
  • Step 6: The process is concluded with a meeting with the client.

The online reorganization assessment consists of:

  • Competency-based interview
  • Personality test
  • Extensive ability test
  • Professional career test

Based on scientific research

All Bridge instruments have been developed by TestGroup's research & development team, in collaboration with universities at home and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality questionnaires and intelligence tests. We advise organizations worldwide on the application of online assessments. TestGroup publishes scientific articles about online assessments together with various universities. Follow this link to view one of our studies. Do you have any questions about the use of online assessments? Please contact TestGroup Amsterdam at 020-2621630.

Sample reports

Because TestGroup is a test publisher, we have access to a variety of online assessments in many different languages. You can choose from a personality test, competency test, ability test, career test or sales test. Simply indicate which test you want to include in the online assessment. We will of course be happy to advise you on the most suitable test for a specific position.

Example report

Video: the Bridge Assessment Platform

With an account on the Bridge Assessment Platform, you can manage and administer online assessments for restructuring or reorganization projects. The Bridge Assessment platform is used by companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in over 20 countries. The system is easy to use, so there is no need for extensive training. Also, you can start immediately; your account will be ready in just 1 day.

Order tests and online assessments

  • Order from any country in just 3 easy steps.
  • You’ll receive the login details via email within 30 minutes.
  • As a company or organization, you can pay later via invoice.
  • The report is available instantly, and the assessment remains accessible until it is completed.
  • For high-volume use, consider an account on our assessment platform.


You will receive the login details via email within 30 minutes. Looking for the lowest price per test? Get unlimited access with a subscription.


Select your products

Online Assessment: specific jobs
Online Tests
Work Happiness Tests
In-Company Training Courses
Bridge Assessment: books

Your order

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  • No products selected

Check & send

After you place your order, you will receive the candidate's login details via email within 30 minutes (the invoice will be sent afterward).

You will receive the access codes for the test or online assessment within 30 minutes.

Get your candidate tested today in 4 steps

You can place orders for online assessments from any country. Within 30 minutes, you will receive the login details via email, and the report will be available immediately.

    1:  Choose your online assessment

    The test remains available until the participant has completed it.

    2: Order your online assessment

    Order a test or online assessment from our orderpage.

    3: Your candidate tested today

    Your candidate can start the test or online assessment within just 30 minutes.

    4: Reports instantly available

    After completion, the report is available instantly.

Young Group
“For Young Group, the results of The Bridge Personality tests do not only provide insights into recruitment. They are also a guideline for the long term, both for the manager and for the development of the employee.”

Anne Huijgen

Young Group

Kwink Groep
“The Bridge Ability Suite provides us with insights into things we may have overlooked ourselves, and it helps us to stimulate diversity within our organisation.”

Janine Mulder

Kwink Groep

DTV Consultants
“Thanks to the Bridge Ability Suite we can admit more people to our corporate training.”

Kim Heerkens, Capacity Building Consultant

DTV Consultants

Experience of Vibe Group with The Bridge Personality
“The online assessments from TestGroup are a real asset in the process of finding the right people.”

Dietske Koolhaas - Manager Talent & Acquisition

Experience of Vibe Group with The Bridge Personality

ROC Horizon College
“The Bridge Personality is a very nice tool to start the conversation with each other.”

Jessica Kuijper, senior P&O policy staff member

ROC Horizon College