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IQ test for adults

With an IQ test, you gain insight into the abstract, numerical, and verbal intelligence of individuals aged 18 and older. This test can be used by professionals for study choice, professional orientation, recruitment, or selection of suitable employees. A cognitive ability test for adults can be useful when there are uncertainties about abilities that someone possesses. This test is suitable for use in work situations, for example, to determine whether someone can advance to a higher level position.

Why test adults on IQ?

There are many factors that determine whether someone will be successful in a new position. An applicant's intelligence is one such factor. Scientific research clearly shows that the candidate's abilities or intelligence is a good predictor of success. The more intelligent the employee, the better he or she can handle unexpected events. An intelligent employee can also adapt and learn more quickly—qualities that are more important than ever!

Cognitive ability test for adults

Recruitment and training

Taking a cognitive ability test is therefore becoming increasingly normal within recruitment and selection processes, not only to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a job, but also to determine whether an employee is suitable for a promotion or training program. With a reliable and valid adult cognitive test, you can make better decisions about a candidate. The question is only which cognitive test is sufficiently reliable to base your decisions on.

Cognitive ability test for adults: The Bridge Ability Suite

The Bridge Ability Suite is a solid, reliable cognitive ability test to measure the intelligence of your candidate. The Bridge Ability Suite cognitive test is a scientifically based method for measuring adult intelligence. In scientific terms, this cognitive test is reliable and valid. But what does that mean?

When we say that a test is reliable, it means that the outcome of the test is correct. No matter how many times the candidate takes the test, the result is always (more or less) the same. When we call a test valid, it means that the test actually measures what it was intended to. The (sometimes justified) criticism that people can have about other cognitive tests usually concerns these two components.

For this reason, the developers of this cognitive ability test for adults have collaborated with renowned scientists to develop a test with a strong scientific foundation.

As a result, the predictive value of this cognitive test is particularly high. With the report of this cognitive test in hand, you can very carefully determine whether someone has the capabilities needed to be successful in an educational path or job.

When should you use the cognitive ability test for adults?

Our cognitive ability test for adults can be used in any situation where it is useful to know the intelligence of the candidate. This is useful not only with external applicants, but also when assessing internal candidates. For example, it can help to determine who is suitable for a promotion, or who can participate in an MD trajectory. Because The Bridge Ability Suite is administered online and has been thoroughly checked, the cognitive ability test for adults helps you to quickly and without fuss obtain a completely objective picture of someone's capabilities.

For all levels of education

The cognitive test is available at various levels of education, from MBO, HBO to WO-level. The cognitive test can also be used for adolescents and adults in the 15-65 age group. This cognitive ability test for adults measures numerical intelligence (The Bridge Numerical), verbal aptitude, linguistic understanding (The Bridge Verbal), and the ability to think logically (The Bridge Abstract).


Unlike a more traditional adult cognitive test, The Bridge Ability Suite does not require the candidate to come to a testing center.

The test can simply be taken online. This saves the candidate travel time, which can be an obstacle. After all, not every candidate can take a day off to come and take a test, especially the top candidates, who often apply while working at their current job.

More importantly, the candidate can take the cognitive test in his or her familiar surroundings and at a time that suits them. You can therefore count on the test result to give a true picture of the candidate's intelligence.

The time investment by the candidate is limited; our cognitive ability test for adults can be completed in just 60 minutes. Afterwards, you will know exactly how quickly someone will feel at home in the new role.

Administering cognitive tests for adults is now easier than ever

Taking a cognitive ability test for adults is possible from as little as €80 per test. Immediately after completing the order, we will start working for you so that your test is ready to be administered within 30 minutes. The candidate is then automatically invited to take the test.

Once the candidate completes the test, a report will be generated immediately. If you prefer, a final evaluation session can be scheduled with one of our consultants.

Do you want to know more about your candidate's capabilities? Combine the cognitive ability test for adults with one of our other tests and online recruitment tools.

Sample reports: cognitive ability test for adults

There are three reports available for the adult cognitive test: the abstract report, the numerical report and the verbal report.

Example report

Order tests and online assessments

  • Order from any country in just 3 easy steps.
  • You’ll receive the login details via email within 30 minutes.
  • As a company or organization, you can pay later via invoice.
  • The report is available instantly, and the assessment remains accessible until it is completed.
  • For high-volume use, consider an account on our assessment platform.


You will receive the login details via email within 30 minutes. Looking for the lowest price per test? Get unlimited access with a subscription.


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After you place your order, you will receive the candidate's login details via email within 30 minutes (the invoice will be sent afterward).

You will receive the access codes for the test or online assessment within 30 minutes.

Get your candidate tested today in 4 steps

You can place orders for online assessments from any country. Within 30 minutes, you will receive the login details via email, and the report will be available immediately.

    1:  Choose your online assessment

    The test remains available until the participant has completed it.

    2: Order your online assessment

    Order a test or online assessment from our orderpage.

    3: Your candidate tested today

    Your candidate can start the test or online assessment within just 30 minutes.

    4: Reports instantly available

    After completion, the report is available instantly.

Young Group
“For Young Group, the results of The Bridge Personality tests do not only provide insights into recruitment. They are also a guideline for the long term, both for the manager and for the development of the employee.”

Anne Huijgen

Young Group

Kwink Groep
“The Bridge Ability Suite provides us with insights into things we may have overlooked ourselves, and it helps us to stimulate diversity within our organisation.”

Janine Mulder

Kwink Groep

DTV Consultants
“Thanks to the Bridge Ability Suite we can admit more people to our corporate training.”

Kim Heerkens, Capacity Building Consultant

DTV Consultants

Experience of Vibe Group with The Bridge Personality
“The online assessments from TestGroup are a real asset in the process of finding the right people.”

Dietske Koolhaas - Manager Talent & Acquisition

Experience of Vibe Group with The Bridge Personality

ROC Horizon College
“The Bridge Personality is a very nice tool to start the conversation with each other.”

Jessica Kuijper, senior P&O policy staff member

ROC Horizon College