The Bridge Personality: competency cards
The Bridge Personality competency cards are a useful aid in selecting competencies for a job (job analysis). The cards show the 34 competencies from The Bridge Personality, which are based on the Big Five. You can buy the competency cards (10 pack) at TestGroup.
What are the Bridge Personality competency cards?
The Bridge Personality competency cards help Bridge practitioners to apply The Bridge Personality test in their daily work. These handy cards (credit card format) are ideal for selecting the most important competencies for a job profile.

How to use The Bridge Personality competency cards for job analysis
Usually you have a certain image of a job profile. A typical accountant is conservative and reserved. A sales manager is outgoing and ambitious. Nevertheless, it is important during recruitment and selection of employees to properly identify which set of competencies the ideal candidate has for the position. You do this by means of job analysis: a process in which the required competencies for a job are identified.
In job analysis, the focus is on identifying specific competencies that are essential for a role. An effective tool for this are the 34 Bridge Personality competency cards.
What is a competency profile?
A competency profile consists of a series of competencies and associated behavioral indicators necessary for success in a particular role. These competencies can be measured with a competency test. We explain how to create a competency profile using the Bridge Personality competency cards and how to measure these competencies.
Step 1: Select important competencies for the job profile with the competency cards
Start by choosing relevant competencies for the role using the Bridge Personality competency cards. These cards contain a list of 34 Big Five competencies, each with a clear description. Select about 8 to 10 competencies that are crucial for the role. Ensure these competencies distinguish the role from others.
Step 2: Determine behavioral indicators with the competency cards
After choosing the competencies, use the competency cards to determine the behavioral indicators for each competency. These indicators are concrete behaviors that demonstrate the competency. Make these indicators clear and concise, limiting to about five indicators per competency.
Step 3: Measure competencies with The Bridge Personality
Once the competencies for the role have been established with the competency cards, you can measure them with The Bridge Personality test. This test is specifically designed for businesses and organizations and measures the 34 competencies identified on the cards.
Tips for creating a competency profile with competency cards
By using Bridge Personality competency cards in your job analysis, you ensure a targeted approach to link the right competencies to roles, which is essential for effective personnel planning.
Training course: job analysis with the competency cards
The Bridge Personality Qualifying Course offers specialized training for professionals in job analysis, focusing on the use of Bridge Personality competency cards. This one-day program is tailored to teach participants how to effectively utilize these cards for identifying and mapping out the competencies required for various roles within an organization. Through this course, attendees gain insights into the 34 competencies derived from the Big Five personality traits, learning how to apply them in real-world job analysis scenarios. This training is pivotal for HR professionals, recruiters, and anyone involved in personnel selection, providing them with the skills to conduct thorough and effective job analyses using the Bridge Personality competency cards.
The Bridge Personality: the most commonly used personality test in many countries
A professional personality test can be of great value in shaping a successful career. The Bridge Personality test is the most commonly used personality test in many countries for the selection and development of employees. Because The Bridge Personality uses algorithms to measure whether your candidate has been honest while filling it in, you always get a reliable and valid picture of your candidate or employee. The Bridge Personality is the only personality test in the world that can used as a Big Five personality test, a 16 personality test and as the well-known 4-color personality test. Personality reports are available for sales, teams and job-specific competency profiles.
Example report: The Bridge Personality
The Bridge Personality Big Five + 16 Jung Type + 4-Color report displays scores on 34 competencies, determines the Jung Type of the candidate, determines the candidate's color preference and gives scores on 8 general competencies. This report provides you with the most complete overview of your candidate's personality.
Other report options
Video: How to use The Bridge Personality online
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