Burnout prevention with The Bridge Burnout Indicator

The Bridge Burnout Indicator allows you to identify burnout symptoms in an early stage. This burnout test gives an indication and is not an official result. An official diagnosis is always made by the family doctor, company doctor or specialist. What can you do as an employer to prevent burnout in your employees?

In a 4 step process you can use The Bridge Burnout indicator to prevent burnout in your employees.

Step 1: Recognize signs of impending burnout

Burnout in employees can usually be seen coming. In fact, colleagues and managers often notice burnout sooner than the employee himself. By detecting the characteristics early on, the process can still be stopped and even reversed.

  • Physical signs: (low energy, sleeping poorly, tired).
  • Emotional signals: (irritable, frustrated, more anxious).
  • Mental signals: (problems with concentration, memory problems, less performance)
  • Loss of meaning: (less interest in achieving goals)

Step 2 : Use The Bridge Burnout Indicator

By giving your employee the opportunity to fill out The Bridge Burnout Indicator you make it possible to prevent burnout together with the employee. This prevents unnecessary suffering and saves costs for the organization. A real win-win situation.

This test has been specifically developed (and extensively tested and validated) to prevent burnout in employees. This online burnout test not only measures whether your employees are dealing with burnout symptoms, but also whether they are happy in their work. After all, the greater the happiness your employees experience at work, the better they can handle stress and the smaller the chance of burnout. The test measures causes of (too) high work pressure and whether there is stress or tension.

Step 3: getting started with the scores from the test


Now that the employee has completed the test, there is an overview of the scores on the dimensions of burnout: fatigue, mental distance from work, cognitive fatigue and emotional fatigue. Because The Bridge Burnout Indicator uses a norm group (n=1231), you know exactly how the employee's burnout signals compare to the signals in other people. The employee can then work with the higher scores on the dimensions.

Work happiness:

In general, the happier an employee is in a job and organization, the smaller the chance of burnout. Because The Bridge Burnout Indicator also measures 4 characteristics of happiness at work, you can also work with this. Try, together with the employee, to identify the causes of a lower score on engagement at work, proactive vitality, job satisfaction and commitment to the organization. This way you know exactly what you and the employee can do to improve happiness at work.

Step 4: getting started with burnout prevention

Now that you have a good picture of the burnout signals and the employee's job satisfaction, you can take concrete steps to prevent possible burnout. These are the actions you can take together:

  • Improve the work-life balance of your employees: with more and more people working from home, this is difficult, but nevertheless very important.
  • Reduce the causes of work pressure wherever possible.
  • Increase the pleasure in work for your employees.
  • Ask your employees if they find their work meaningful.
  • Provide education about burnout and its signs.
  • Invest actively in the training and development of your employees.
  • Provide innovations that make work lighter.
  • Motivate your employees to speak to their supervisor or HR employee directly if they have any complaints.
  • Encourage physical exercise in your staff.

Questions about burnout prevention with The Bridge Burnout Indicator?

Do you have questions about the use of The Bridge Burnout Indicator within companies and organizations? Our consultants will be happy to answer them. You can contact us here

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The Bridge Tests & Online Assessments

TestGroup is the developer of the Bridge tests & online assessments, which are high-quality, scientific psychometric tests that are applied all over the world. All Bridge tests have been developed by TestGroup in collaboration with universities in the Netherlands and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality tests, cognitive ability tests and career tests. We advise local and international organizations on the application of online assessments.