Used by 10,000+ organizations worldwide

4-color personality test

The 4-color personality test categorizes individuals as Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow based on their behavior and communication styles. Organizations widely use the Bridge Personality 4-color test to develop employees and teams. It’s user-friendly, requires no training, and includes a detailed report to promote collaboration. Ideal for HR professionals, consultants, and coaches, it can be purchased for individual use or administered through TestGroup’s assessment platform.

What is a 4-color personality test?

The 4-color personality test classifies individuals into four categories—Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow—based on their distinct behavior and communication styles. This model simplifies understanding of oneself and others, thereby enhancing relationships and teamwork. The 4-color test provides valuable tools for personal growth, team development, improving sales effectiveness, and leadership development.

Features of the four color test:

  • Scientifically validated – a four-color test based on research and powered by TestGroup’s advanced assessment technology.
  • Practical and actionable – the team report instantly improves team communication with clear, easy-to-use insights.
  • Fast and online – take the test anytime and receive a full personality report within minutes.

Proven and applied by professionals worldwide

The Bridge Personality is a widely recognized 4-color test designed to help individuals understand their personality traits. It employs a straightforward color model to enhance communication and foster teamwork. This test is acknowledged globally and provides trustworthy results that promote personal growth, improve team dynamics, and assist in recruitment. 

How to order the four color test

The Bridge Personality 4-color test is quick and easy to use. No training or license is needed. Order the 4-color personality test from our order page and get instant access. The test is user-friendly, and you'll receive clear results right away.

Key benefits of this 4-color personality assessment

  • The most commonly used 4-color personality test by organizations and governments worldwide for over 15 years.
  • It is suitable for teams, with a comprehensive 4-color team report available.
  • You can order the test individually or administer it through an affordable subscription.

The famous 4-color model

The well-known 4-color model (red, blue, yellow and green) provides insight into personal preferences. It is precisely this simplicity that makes the model so popular: just tell me what your first color is, and I will know the best way to interact or communicate with you.

4 color personality test

How does this 4-color test work?

This 4-color test is a reliable tool for measuring the personality traits of your employees and job applicants. It uses algorithms to check if the test-taker answered honestly, ensuring you receive an accurate assessment of your candidate or employee. A team report is also available for groups.

The 4-color personality wheel

The 4-color personality wheel is a visual tool that categorizes personal traits into 72 distinct positions based on four primary colors: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. When these colors blend, they create eight personality types, each showcasing its own strengths and characteristics.

The 8 types in the color wheel

  • The Auditor (Blue): Detail-oriented, methodical, and highly analytical.
  • The Planner (Blue/Green): Systematic, organized, and reliable.
  • The Connector (Green): Empathetic, relationship-focused, and a natural networker.
  • The Mediator (Green/Yellow): Composed, conflict-averse, and a peacemaker.
  • The Visionary (Yellow): Creative, innovative, and forward-thinking.
  • The Entrepreneur (Yellow/Red): Energetic, risk-taking, and action-driven.
  • The Director (Red): Resolute, goal-focused, and a powerful leader.
  • The Change Agent (Red/Blue): Flexible, proactive, and results-oriented.

How to purchase: single use or a subscription

  • You can order a 4-color personality test for your candidate or employee from our order page;
  • Select 'personality test' and then the '4-color report';
  • You can order from any country in the world;
  • Only available for companies and organizations;
  • Your candidate or employee can get started within just 30 minutes;
  • After completing the test, the report is immediately available.

This 4-color test is for businesses, government agencies, and freelancers. There is no training required, so it is easy to access.

Sample report: 4-color personality test

In addition to scores on the 34 competencies, the 4-color personality test report provides insight into behavioral preferences using the easy and accessible 4-color model (blue, green, red, and yellow) and offers concrete tools for the development of work performance on individual, team, and organizational levels.

For use in teams: the 4-color team report

The Bridge Personality can also be used for teams, for which a 4-color team report is available. 

Why the color-based personality model works so well for team development

High-performing teams are key to a successful organization. These teams often have strong collaboration and good communication. The four-color model offers a practical way for teams that struggle with communication.

This model uses four simple colors to show different behavior styles. There are no right or wrong styles. Knowing your team’s preferences can help everyone work together better.

Learn more about how the 4-color model can benefit your organization: A detailed guide for using a 4-color personality test in organizations.

4-color team workshop

Do you want to organize a team workshop to use the 4-color test and team report within your team? We have a team workshop: do-it-yourself kit available. With this kit, you get all the tools to conduct your own 4-color team workshop. 

How the four-color test works

  • Comprehensive and user-friendly personality report;
  • Available in 20 languages, including Dutch, English, German, French, and Spanish;
  • Perfect for teams (a team report is also available);
  • Generate a tailored report by selecting the desired competencies;
  • Personal suggestions for development;
  • Insight into management style and collaboration style;
  • Develop interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Strengthen collaboration with colleagues.

Subscription: unlimited use of the 4-colour test

Subscription: 4 color personality test

Do you want unlimited access to the 4-color personality test? With a Bridge Assessment account, you can take online assessments for 12 months without worrying about credits or extra costs. This subscription gives you the lowest price per test and is ideal for organizations that regularly conduct many assessments.

Example test report

The report of the 4-color personality test provides scores on 34 competences, determines the color preference (blue, green, red, and yellow) of the candidate, and gives scores on eight general competences. This way, you will have the most complete overview of the personality of your candidate or employee. It is also possible to include the 16 Jung Types in the personality report.

Example report

Team training: do-it-yourself kit

The team report produced by the 4-color personality test gives you a clear overview of the different color preferences in your team and is the perfect basis for a team workshop. With the do-it-yourself team workshop package, you can now organize your very own Bridge Personality team workshop. Once you’re equipped with the right tools, you’ll be ready to start working with your team yourself, at the time and place you choose - no external trainer required.

Frequently asked questions about the 4-color personality test
  • What is the difference between this 4-Color Personality Test and Insights Discovery?

  • The Bridge Personality 4-color personality test is significantly more comprehensive than Insights Discovery. Since the test is scientifically developed, the candidate's color preference will also be more reliable and valid.

  • How do I use this 4-color test for my team?

  • It’s straightforward. Each team member takes the test, and then the system generates a team report.

  • Does every personality have a color?

  • Yes, every person has a dominant color. Similar to the DISC model, The Bridge Personality identifies four colors: red, green, blue, and yellow.

  • What is the theory behind the 4-color model?

  • Similar to assessments like the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Insights Discovery, the theory underlying the 4-color model is rooted in the concepts of Carl Jung.

  • What does this 4-color test cost per participant?

  • If you subscribe to The Bridge Assessment Platform (either through credits or unlimited use), this test is available for as low as 15 euros per candidate. Alternatively, you can order the test separately for 175 euros per candidate. All pricing information can be found on our pricing page.

  • What kind of supporting materials are available for the 4-color personality questionnaire?

  • TestGroup the Bridge Personality 4-color test offers a variety of materials for use. These materials can be ordered separately, but if you choose an introductory package, you will receive them individually. For example, there is a convenient explanation booklet (The Bridge Personality: The Booklet for Candidates), a set of cards representing each color, and, of course, the 4-color presentation sheets for use during your own training or workshop.

  • What is the 4-color test team workshop DIY package?

  • In the team workshop do-it-yourself package, you will receive the tools to organize a team workshop independently. This package includes the workshop sheets, a 4-color personality test for each participant, a team report, and a handy booklet for each participant that explains the 4-color test and the team report.

  • What do the colors red, blue, green, and yellow mean?

  • Each color signifies a preference for certain behaviors. Interested in discovering your color? Then take The Bridge Personality 4-color personality test.

    Individuals with a red preference respond quickly and tend to be quite direct in their communication. The color blue represents a preference for organization, with a tendency to react more slowly and cautiously, emphasizing analysis and details. Those with a green preference often respond calmly, seek connection, and generally avoid conflict. The color yellow symbolizes creativity, a disregard for routine, and a focus on the future.

  • Why does the 4-color model work so well in teams?

  • If you grasp your colleagues' preferences and communication styles, you can more accurately predict how team members will respond in specific situations. This understanding enhances communication within the team. Achieving a deeper level of comprehension among team members fosters better collaboration. By determining the color preferences of the team members, you also identify which color is absent from the team. For instance, you could complement a team of individuals who prefer red with someone who prefers green. In this way, you can assemble the optimal team.

  • What is the language of color?

  • The 4-color model provides a fun and simple way to gain insight into your own reactions and better understand the behavior of others, like colleagues or team members. The four colors are easy to remember and do not suggest that any particular behavior is right or wrong; instead, they represent preferences for certain behaviors and are value-neutral. Everyone has their own preferences, and the 4-color model clarifies these preferences without making any judgments. For example, saying, "This marketing meeting full of blue personalities could benefit from some yellow" sounds much friendlier than saying, "This team lacks creativity."

  • How does the 4-color wheel work?

  • There are three rings in the four-color wheel of The Bridge Personality. The four colors, eight major types, and twenty-four subtypes yield seventy-two positions in the color wheel. Each position in the wheel features a unique arrangement of colors that serves as the basis for the preferred behavior of that type. The distribution in each ring relates to the relative focus or spread of the first three preferred colors. Inner ring: three colors above the centerline. Middle ring: two colors above the centerline. Outer ring: one color above the centerline. It is also possible to occupy more than one position in the wheel; your conscious (normative) and less conscious (ipsative) preferences are then distinct. It is not possible to prefer all four colors. At least one color is always relatively more challenging for you. However, it remains accessible, although its use may depend on the circumstances and might require a bit more effort.

Order tests and online assessments

  • Order from any country in just 3 easy steps.
  • You’ll receive the login details via email within 30 minutes.
  • As a company or organization, you can pay later via invoice.
  • The report is available instantly, and the assessment remains accessible until it is completed.
  • For high-volume use, consider an account on our assessment platform.


You will receive the login details via email within 30 minutes. Looking for the lowest price per test? Get unlimited access with a subscription.


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After you place your order, you will receive the candidate's login details via email within 30 minutes (the invoice will be sent afterward).

You will receive the access codes for the test or online assessment within 30 minutes.

Get your candidate tested today in 4 steps

You can place orders for online assessments from any country. Within 30 minutes, you will receive the login details via email, and the report will be available immediately.

    1:  Choose your online assessment

    The test remains available until the participant has completed it.

    2: Order your online assessment

    Order a test or online assessment from our orderpage.

    3: Your candidate tested today

    Your candidate can start the test or online assessment within just 30 minutes.

    4: Reports instantly available

    After completion, the report is available instantly.

GP Groot
“Since we began testing personality with The Bridge Personality, there are significantly fewer "unhappy marriages".”

Marja Kramer, recruiter

GP Groot

ROC Horizon College
“The Bridge Personality is a very nice tool to start the conversation with each other.”

Jessica Kuijper, senior P&O policy staff member

ROC Horizon College

Young Group
“For Young Group, the results of The Bridge Personality tests do not only provide insights into recruitment. They are also a guideline for the long term, both for the manager and for the development of the employee.”

Anne Huijgen

Young Group

“The Bridge Personality offers high quality support to make substantiated choices.”

Ellen van Hierden


Kwink Groep
“The Bridge Ability Suite provides us with insights into things we may have overlooked ourselves, and it helps us to stimulate diversity within our organisation.”

Janine Mulder

Kwink Groep