Used by 10,000+ organizations worldwide

360 degree feedback: The Bridge 360

360-degree feedback is often used as a practical start for a personal development plan. Using the results of the 360-degree report, you can select the right development points and link actions to each one. 360-degree feedback thus leads to concrete results in employee development. The Bridge 360 is fully customizable in terms of logo, competencies, emails to respondents, reports, and report formats.


The Bridge 360 is an online system that collects 360-degree feedback on employee performance. The employee assesses themself and the chosen feedback provider (for example, supervisor, colleague, employee, or customer) also provides feedback. As a result, the employee receives clear feedback on their performance, appropriate to the pre-selected competencies. These competencies can be chosen by the employee themself or determined in advance by the organization.

  • The Bridge 360 can be fully adapted to the needs of the organization;
  • Very easy to purchase in-house;
  • Can be linked to the competencies of each organization;
  • Optional: modules that measure sales competencies and abilities;
  • Available in several languages.


The Bridge 360 can be ordered separately (per candidate) or via your own account on our assessment platform. The Bridge 360 report is unique because it also compares the performance of the participant against a norm-group. The Bridge 360 is fully customizable to the competencies of the organization and offers the option to provide personal feedback to participants.

  • Based on extensive scientific research;
  • Clean and effective report design;
  • Easy to link to Personal Development Plans (PDPs);
  • Cost-effective.

Based on scientific research

The Bridge 360 was developed by TestGroup's research & development team, in collaboration with universities at home and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior using personality questionnaires and intelligence tests. We advise organizations worldwide on the application of online assessments. TestGroup also publishes scientific articles about online assessments in collaboration with various universities. Follow this link to view one of our studies. Should you have any questions about the use of online assessments, please contact TestGroup Amsterdam by phone: 020-2621630.

The Bridge 360: Sample Report

The Bridge 360 report is unique because it also compares the performance of the participant against a norm-group of 500 other candidates. The Bridge 360 report is fully customizable to the competencies of the organization and is equipped with the option to display personal feedback to participants. You can, of course, also choose the standard report. This complete 360-degree feedback report forms the ideal basis for a personal development plan (PDP).

Example report

Video: the Bridge Assessment Platform

With an account on the Bridge Assessment Platform, you can manage and administer all your 360 degree feedback projects. The Bridge Assessment platform is used by companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in over 20 countries. The system is easy to use, so there is no need for extensive training. Also, you can start immediately; your account will be ready in just 1 day.

Order tests and online assessments

  • Order from any country in just 3 easy steps.
  • You’ll receive the login details via email within 30 minutes.
  • As a company or organization, you can pay later via invoice.
  • The report is available instantly, and the assessment remains accessible until it is completed.
  • For high-volume use, consider an account on our assessment platform.


You will receive the login details via email within 30 minutes. Looking for the lowest price per test? Get unlimited access with a subscription.


Select your products

Online Assessment: specific jobs
Online Tests
Work Happiness Tests
In-Company Training Courses
Bridge Assessment: books

Your order

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  • No products selected

Check & send

After you place your order, you will receive the candidate's login details via email within 30 minutes (the invoice will be sent afterward).

You will receive the access codes for the test or online assessment within 30 minutes.

Get your candidate tested today in 4 steps

You can place orders for online assessments from any country. Within 30 minutes, you will receive the login details via email, and the report will be available immediately.

    1:  Choose your online assessment

    The test remains available until the participant has completed it.

    2: Order your online assessment

    Order a test or online assessment from our orderpage.

    3: Your candidate tested today

    Your candidate can start the test or online assessment within just 30 minutes.

    4: Reports instantly available

    After completion, the report is available instantly.

“Work2work: 'The Bridge Career makes it easy to find a suitable role'.”

Jaye Bonnier


ROC Horizon College
“The Bridge Personality is a very nice tool to start the conversation with each other.”

Jessica Kuijper, senior P&O policy staff member

ROC Horizon College

Young Group
“For Young Group, the results of The Bridge Personality tests do not only provide insights into recruitment. They are also a guideline for the long term, both for the manager and for the development of the employee.”

Anne Huijgen

Young Group

“The Bridge Personality offers high quality support to make substantiated choices.”

Ellen van Hierden


DTV Consultants
“Thanks to the Bridge Ability Suite we can admit more people to our corporate training.”

Kim Heerkens, Capacity Building Consultant

DTV Consultants